When I was eleven, I picked up The Hobbit and Tess of the d’Urbervilles. With apologies to Mr. Hardy, in my 11 year old mind there was no comparison between the two and I became an avid reader of speculative fiction. After twenty years writing business specifications and other software documentation, I decided to write fiction as well as read it. To pursue my passion for writing, I joined the Fairfield Scribes in 2010, and I—and they—haven’t been the same since.
![]() I have provided developmental critiques for ten novels, ranging in subject from apocalypse horror to epic fantasy to YA. I've also been the lead editor of an anthology of fantasy and horror short stories about zombies. All eight books have gone on to be published and are currently in print.
An avid medievalist, I have spent over three decades immersing myself in all things feudal. I've jousted with lance and shield in full armor on horseback, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. I've also been knocked on my ass while on horseback in full armor. I am notorious on the battlefields of medieval reenactment in New York and earned the sobriquet, “The Butcher of Acre.” When not on horseback, I've sparred with all sorts of medieval weaponry, including broadsword and shield, polearm, two-handed spear, and bastard sword. When the armor comes off, I brew mead and perform medieval dance to educate the public about the Middle Ages in Western Europe and Outremer. I married my dance partner and live with her, one horse, one dog, three goats, and two cats in Western Connecticut.